Category Archives: News

Feeling un-included?

A few minutes and you too can be involved! Here is the on-line survey to help plan for the next 10-15 years for our city’s parks, recreation program and marine department.

Not ready to engage….well plan on spending some quality time at our new and so fabulous city library in downtown – The Billie Jean King Library. There are so many neat things you’ll want to get the annual pass! Oh that’s right – IT’S FREE with expanded hours! A children’s readying boat, a toddler’s studio, adult literacy. Everyone has been thought about. Keep tuned for the opening day in September (21st?!!!)

On the other hand if you are starting to get the ‘engagement bug’ try delving into the 500+ page 2020 City Budget- something for everyone? In fact, there is a way to find out if the city has some money it should be sending back to YOU! NOT! And then let city council know what is important to you and yours. Here is the most recent Budget Oversight Committee Report.

The New Board

Every August the RPNA Board hosts its kick-off board meeting. Introduces all newly elected board members, elects officers and establishes the 12-month calendar. Our board this year is comprised of: Brooke Baker, Emily Stevens, Jessica Truesdell, David Clement, Gretchen Swanson with Danielle Dague and Darick Simpson appointed as ex officio members. Officers are: Gretchen Swanson, President; Danielle Dague, VP/Sec’y and Emily Stevens, Treasurer. Dawn Mendelson was appointed as board liaison to the Healthy Neighborhood group.

The Board meets monthly (first Thursday) at St. Matthews which it has done for decades! If you’d like to be put on the agenda please email