Category Archives: Newsletter


Hearts Across Long Beach is a community wellness project for essential workers. Participating organizations are provided a mosaic art kit to create a moment of beauty, healing, and self expression with these mosaic hearts. As we move forward, we invite essential workers to take a moment to breathe, reflect, and create. The mosaic hearts are then displayed as part of an exhibition within the community. Visit ArtWorksLBC or email for more information.


Residents came out for a morning stroll down the alleyway between 6th and 7th street and Molino and Stanley Avenue on Saturday, May 8th. Residents were asked to stroll the alleyway and provide feedback for future improvements. Special thanks to our wonderful volunteers Caity and Aaron Engel, Ketzie and Chris Diaz, Esmeralda Garcia and Jonathan Raspa, Cody Lusby, Janna Vandenberg, Chris Robson, Dawn Mendelson and Gretchen Swanson who made this event so successful! Thanks to our local businesses Coffee Drunk and 7th Street donuts! We truly loved seeing so many neighbors and stay tuned for another interactive alleyway stroll coming soon! Questions? Email

Rose Park Resident Esmeralda Garcia asked attendees for their input about how alleyways feel to walk through and how they can be improved.
Residents gathered in the alleyway.
Rose Park Resident Caity Engel served coffee from Coffee Drunk on 4th Street and donuts from 7th Street Donut Shop.

Rose Park Resident Ketzie Diaz set up a card making station for attendees to make their own Mother’s Day cards.

Rose Park Residents posed for a photo op in front of artist Cody Lusby’s Roses for Rose Park Mural

Rose Park Resident Garry Rothstein won an Ace Hardware gift certificate in the event raffle.

Rose Park Residents, the Archambault’s.

Rose Park Resident and Artist Cody Lusby talking to attendees about Roses for Rose Park.

Residents make it an interactive space!