Going forward

The newly elected RPNA meets in August choosing officers and planning the master calendar. Priorities and actions are worked on each month. Please send in thoughts to info@rpna.org

Congratulations & Best Wishes to the New
Rose Park Neighborhood Association Board
* John * Danielle * David * Darick 
 * Dusty * Gretchen
What a great team!

And check out TourLBC …..a new app for learning LB step by step.



Notes from the CCC ( Coronado Cooling Center)

We are still in fire season and yet we need to manage our water supply. The LB Water Department sends annual report cards, you may have received one recently…..check it out before throwing it into recycle.

A popular cooling device are popsicles – homemade or store bought. And….avoid being in the sun in the afternoon and of course, there is the Pacific Ocean under a mile away.