a holiday card & an important message …

Starting in March, things appeared to be up in the air for Rose Park Neighborhood Association. Like many Long Beach nonprofit organizations, we wondered how to move forward with the series of events, resident-led initiatives and street actions. How do we stay connected to residents and their needs during this time, while pressing issues are rising to the surface?
The past 10 months highlighted much needed services for our most vulnerable residents and demanded that we work with community partners to implement real change for safer streets that no longer allows pedestrian fatalities and works to slow traffic speed. This year provided an opportunity to slow down, identify, connect, and develop new partnerships to work toward solutions and action in 2021. If any of these initiatives speak to you, we hope you will join us by emailing info@rpna.org. 2021 priorities include:
Pedestrian & Street Safety
Food Security for Older Adults
Friendship Corner Mural at Dawson & 7th Street – vacant space revitalization
Alleyway Improvement – walkable spaces & places
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