“A Place for PLAY”
Rose Park Resident, Cody Lusby is at it again, beautifying the alleyway he shares with neighbors to create his latest piece “A Place For Play,” located along the fence at 2913 E. 6th Street. During the stay at home order, Cody was asked to be a part of a Los Angeles County-wide exhibition of nearly 100 artists that explores the innate desire for connectivity called “We Are Here / Here We Are, presented by Durden and Ray.
Cody’s creation was inspired by the “Play Streets” initiative that their block hosted with We Love LB last year. Cody recalls the design process, “I took every scrap piece of wood and created this 6’ x 60’ piece in about 2 weeks. The paint was still wet when I hung it on the fence. I had neighbors bring their kids by and they ran, biked, scooted and jumped down the alley 1 by 1, while I took photos from my studio. Then utilizing the stencils from the mural I painted the background roses one week and then painted the kids the next.”

Artist Cody Lusby’s Statement
“The increasing density of L.A. County’s population has deprived its youngest residents of sufficient, accessible public space to play in. This is especially true in Long Beach, in which a large swath has very limited public parkland. In less dense areas, children often play in the immediate streets near their homes, but the intensity of traffic forces them to a playground of last resort, the alleys and a handful of parking lots. As a resident living adjacent to one of these spaces I feel a steward to keeping the alley safe and clean for our neighborhood youth.”
This artwork was inspired by Scott Jones with Play Streets LB. We encourage neighbors to get out in the neighborhood, get some fresh air and make Cody’s artwork at 2913 E. 6th Street part of your walking route.
Do you have ideas for more walkable, open spaces in Rose Park Neighborhood? Email us at info@rpna.org.