Community Meeting Wrap Up
It was an evening filled with opportunities to volunteer and learn more about new initiatives happening in Long Beach. Special thanks to The Good Bar Owner Blake Whytock for his terrific hospitality and support of our neighborhood!
What you Missed: Mary Simmons and Ishqa Hillman of Project Dignity are building a sense of community between the housed and unhoused community through food sharing, resources and community conversations. Interested in volunteering? Learn more HERE.

Long Beach Vice Mayor Cindy Allen discussed the speed limit reductions being implemented around the city for 107 street segments. Public Works will begin community outreach to notify residents of the changes. Long Beach is creating a Commission on Women and Girls to serve as a space for education, outreach and advocacy with the objective of eliminating gender-based inequities. Finally, Vice Mayor Allen gave a plug to the Metro Micro. Micro is Metro’s new on-demand rideshare service. Learn more HERE.

Dina Berg, Executive Director of Heart of Ida informed attendees of the volunteer opportunities to connect and assist older adults with the resources they need in Long Beach. Learn more HERE.
Dawn Mendelson of ArtWorksLBC gave a wrap up of previous community projects and upcoming mosaic murals happening in collaboration with students and staff at Burbank Elementary this Spring!
Jose Quintanilla, Rose Park Resident and Rose Park Association Board Member talked about Long Beach Walls, formerly PowWowLongBeach. Long Beach Walls brings community together to celebrate art, culture and Long Beach. More information HERE.
Richard Nunez of Long Beach Health Department’s GreenLightLB program gave some startling statistics on distracted driving in our city. GreenLightLB is looking for volunteers to collect data on distracted drivers with two hour shifts of observation. This data will be shared with local and statewide partners with the goal of raising awareness in our community and make our roads safer for everyone.
When: Tuesday April 18th, 2023 from 7:00 AM – 9:00 AM OR 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Saturday April 22nd, 2023 from 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Where: Those interested can choose from 5 locations throughout Long Beach to volunteer their time.
Volunteers can register by visiting the website or by emailing the GreenlightLB team at

Sylvia Salcedo, long-time Rose Park Neighborhood volunteer spoke about her clean up and revitalization efforts with her husband Ed Campbell at 7th and Dawson.
Cody Lusby of Roses for Rose Park talked about engaging local businesses and residents with his mural of roses and seeks volunteers to continue this neighborhood effort!
Eric Copeland discussed Play Streets with We Love Long Beach and connecting neighbors through block parties and get togethers. Interested? Email