Create YOUR Fish! Rose Parkians and surrounding neighbors! Although we are apart now, we will soon be back together. Safer By The Sea We are currently all much like fish living in an aquarium. We’re looking out on a world with others who can walk by and look in on us. We cannot wait for…
HALLOWEEN FUN AT BIXBY PARK ON OCTOBER 27TH Long Beach neighborhood associations are coming together to provide residents a FREE Halloween event at Bixby Park on Sunday, October 27th from 2pm to 4pm. Join us for games, crafts, treats and more! Wear your costume to enter the contest. Everyone welcome! HALLOWEEN CAROLING WITH LONG BEACH…
Reminder to use the GO LONG BEACH app to report graffiti, dumped items, potholes, fireworks, e-scooter parking violations, and more! As always, if you have questions, please reach out to us by email at or DM us on Instagram @RoseParkLB
Illegal fireworks are continuing – in some areas – especially near the ocean seem most affected. For those who are losing sleep – it is becoming a health issue. We want this to end. That said, our part is circumstantial but can help. Remind people with a window sign – we have a (limited) number…
RPNA’s Winter Meeting was just as informative and engaging as past years. Tracy Ames’ warm hospitality and donation of % of night’s take to RPNA set the tone. The meeting started with food and beverage in hand while Emily Stevens was recognized for her 10 year exemplary effort on behalf of Rose Park. Councilmember Jeannine…
A long time resident recently sent in an email about who to contact about a situation near her home. She works nights and walks her dogs when she returns. Since I am working nights now, I walk my dog anywhere between midnight and 6am regularly. Most nights are uneventful, but some times I see some…