Rose Park Comments on the City of Long Beach Proposed Redistricting Maps
As a result of population changes, The City of Long Beach is in the process of redefining its Districts. This will not impact all of the City where there will be no change, but it could impact as many as 25% of the residents and some of the suggested redistricting may result in real differences to our representation and governance. We want everyone to take up their offer to listen to residents and you have a very important opportunity to have your voice heard.
Here is where you can find needed information.
Info on next meeting:
Maps for upcoming meeting:
Here is how we view the 5 options offered thus far – the districts in this plan are labeled A, B, C, etc. The Plans are also labeled the same way making this process. somewhat confusing. Once you start looking at a map it will be more understandable.

PLAN A – Keeps Rose Park intact but it is now a part of LB Council District 3 (Cited in these proposals District C) area. (All of Rose Park is currently in LB Council District 2).
PLAN B – Splits Rose Park along East 7th Street into two different districts.
PLAN C – Rose Park is divided, most going to LB Council District 3 (Referenced in the map as District C. Currently this is the District mostly representing Belmont Shore).
PLAN D – Most but not all Rose Park North of 7th remains in District B; Rose Park – South of 7th most but not all to District C
PLAN E – very similar to PLAN D
Any or all of which means all of Rose Park residents are in the afore mentioned 25% of the City’s residents! Now, we all understand and appreciate the need for change, but there are some concerning points.
Most City residents speaking at the past community town halls on redistricting stated their preference that their neighborhoods be preserved. Most of the City’s established neighborhoods have been in place for decades! For example, the Cambodian Community, which has been in existence since the 1970s. We strongly believe that these cohesive and historic communities be included in any consideration of redistricting Long Beach,
Unfortunately, the City’s neighborhood map is incorrect – especially for Rose Park. Before moving much further in the process, there needs to be a concerted effort to interact with these neighborhoods that are largely affected by these proposed changes and their residents must have greater input.
We have all been waiting to see what would emerge from the Redistricting process. Now is the time to consider what a change in representation will mean for every one of you.
At a personal level, I have lived in what is the current Long Beach Council District 2 all my adult life and it’s troubling to be considered living in a different part of town!
Christopher Robson, RPNA Board member adds: “I’ve only lived here in Rose Park since 2007, but I definitely would prefer not to have to move, but thoughtless redistricting may change my mind. I’ve lived throughout Southern California and four other states, and this is the 8th home that I owned. In all that time and all those places, I have never seen such an active local neighborhood than Rose Park.”
Each of our reactions is important. First, we all need to take the opportunity to engage on this with the City.
Second, each one of us needs to consider how each of the proposed options might impact our lives: City services, traffic flow and safety and potential future land use changes. All of which are widely different in a City as large, geographically, and diverse, in terms of population,
It appears to us with policies now in place, our downtown, central, and surrounding areas will have increasing population. That may mean that every census timeframe of 10 years we will see less development in East Long Beach. The LB Council District geographies are likely to get smaller around our core city and grow larger on the eastern periphery.
That is our take – what’s yours?
Respectfully submitted,
Gretchen Swanson, DPT MPH, President, Rose Park Neighborhood Association,