Happy New Year Neighbors! In 2025, spend some extra time choosing activities that help improve the quality of life in your neighborhood! There are so many unexpected benefits of volunteering your time, that we wanted to share a few reflections from our Rose Park Neighborhood Association Board Volunteers:
We asked the following question: “What’s one thing you’ve gained from volunteering that you think others would find surprising or rewarding?”

“Volunteering gives me a sense of purpose and allows me to get out of my comfort zone to socialize with those who start out as strangers, but then become connected. And it feels pretty darn good to be able to help out!” – Tracy Ames, Rose Park Neighborhood Volunteer

“I am surprised at how quickly I have met so many wonderful people in our neighborhood!” – Bonnie Joy, Rose Park Neighborhood Volunteer

“I think others would find the sense of solidarity rewarding. Volunteering fosters unexpected connections and a genuine sense of belonging. The solidarity you experience can really enhance our understanding of community and shared purpose. It also creates lasting friendships and support networks among volunteers. It’s incredibly fulfilling, reinforcing the idea that we are all part of something larger than ourselves.” – Sylvia Salcedo, Rose Park Neighborhood Volunteer