We Thank You!

The Long Beach Gives citywide, online giving event wrapped up on Friday, September 23rd raising over $1.9 million with 8,487 donations for 232 Long Beach nonprofits.
The Rose Park Neighborhood Association ArtWorksLBC program raised $2,313 with 20 donations! We are so grateful for the generosity of our community in helping us raise funds for the Art in Rose Park program.
Art in Rose Park takes place every Thursday in Rose Park from 3PM to 5PM, everyone is welcome to attend. With these funds we will be able to provide additional art materials, stipends for visiting artists, and larger group art projects that work to revitalize and connect our neighborhood spaces and places.
We look forward to connecting individuals, families and partnering organizations together to engage in arts healing and wellness, public space revitalization, and community building efforts. Thank you and as always please reach out with questions and ideas at info@rpna.org.