What’s Happening in Rose Park?

Most of us know and love our “circle” park. It is one of the oldest parks in the city, as it was acquired in 1910. The gazebo, trellis and benches were installed in 2000.
The park is an essential part of the neighborhood. It serves as a meeting place for coffee, a transit route for school and the bus, and a lovely place to walk one’s dog(s). Rose Park Neighborhood Association (RPNA) brings annual events, and frequent activities to the park. We also have regular programming year-round from the City of Long Beach Parks, Recreation and Marine (PRM). The PRM staff help with face painting at our events; and we obtain permits through their office for picnics and our holiday lighting event in December.
We are grateful for our neighbors and long-time nonprofit partner, Safe Refuge for the help with pruning the rose bushes and with periodic clean ups. However, there has been significant wear and tear overtime at the Gazebo, and particularly with the mosaic on the gazebo floor. Several pieces are missing, and when it rains water pools and makes the area slippery.
After bringing the need for park improvements and perspectives from residents to Vice Mayor Allen’s office, we received the funding to make some needed modifications to the Gazebo. Thanks to previous RPNA President Kerstin Kansteiner, who informed us that the mosaic design was a last-minute contribution when the gazebo was installed. There was little funding and no real plan for maintenance. Next steps and evaluation of the space is in progress.
The Vice Mayor has facilitated the involvement of Public Works and PRM. No final plans have been made except a commitment to address the short and long-term needs of the Gazebo area. As further plans are made, we will inform you of the repairs, modifications and the timeline.