Neighborhood Book Club & Roses for Rose Park for Businesses!

Long Beach neighbors gathered early Sunday evening for food and drinks to discuss the book “The Connected Community” written by Cormac Russell and John McKnight. This book explores the ways neighbors can connect with each other to create healthier, stronger and more engaged neighborhoods. The group discussed the inspirational stories from the book that describes the many ways we can utilize the resources and assets of our own neighborhoods in order to strengthen our communities and create healthier environments. “Real change comes from within the neighborhood, not outside-in, and not top down. When neighbors seek to connect and discover all of the assets and treasures that exist locally, individuals feel empowered and resilient in making long-lasting positive change.” – not an exact quote, but a summation of the book and discussion of book club attendees.
Special thanks to the wonderful hosts Eric & Kaney Copeland and local nonprofit We Love Long Beach for organizing. If you are interested in reading this book or hosting a discussion around this topic, please email us at

Roses for Rose Park is out in the business community again! November 12th – 13th a Rose for Rose Park Mural will be painted with the direction of Artist and Rose Park Resident Cody Lusby on the east side of Rivera’s Mexican Restaurant. Volunteers are needed on Saturday, November 12th and Sunday, November 13th from 9am to 4pm! Join in anytime! Wear comfy, paintable clothes!
Roses for Rose Park
Rivera’s Mexican Restaurant
2901 E 7th Street Long Beach, CA 90804
Sat. November 12th – Sun. November 13th from 9am – 4pm
Questions? Email