Category Archives: News

Let’s Walk the Jane’s Walk

A Jane’s Walk – named after the urban planning visionary, Jane Jacobs – will start at Do Good Donuts at 4th (between Ohio and Temple) Saturday May 19th at 10am. Gretchen Swanson and John Salkowski from RPNA will be on hand, as well. There are lots of folks interested per WalkLB’s facebook page, which is the group facilitating this shared walking opportunity. Why? Well to observe and learn. Jane’s Walks are occurring around LB, some stroll others book it! We’ll just have to see what happens in Rose Park South! Come on out!

Preservation is a Process

Terrific turnout at the May Community meeting. Thanks to Tyler for starting Do Good Donuts in our neighborhood and sharing! Principal Davis (Luther Burbank School) and Val Parker, Founding Ex. Director at Power 4 Youth recognized.

Our recent ‘movies’ shown during the introductions! Thank you Richard!

Winter 2017

2018 Begins

Expert Panel on current historic preservation issues – highlighting Rose Park’s differing experience and how to preserve character of our long time thriving and vibrant community. Over 30 attended, all engaged in the discussion. The panel oriented us to the financial commitment and timeline requirements to add a unit on their property. It is clear that the rate of requests has increased over the past 5 years.

The focus was in-fill for R2 and Accessory Dwelling Units in the historic districts. A short clip was shown that show land development since the early 1820’s created a few years ago for our East 7th St. History Project

Here is the Q&A handout with all the links. Key Questions and Fact Sheet_Panel

Our Panelists:

Christopher Koontz, AICP, Advance Planning Officer at Long Beach Development Services , Planning Bureau, lives in the Wilton Street Historic District, Masters from USC in Urban Planning.

Karen HIghberger, Designer, owns her own company of several years, lives in Cal Heights Historic District, participant in the Restoration Trade Fair and Vice-Chair of Cultural Heritage Commission

Dennis Herbert, Vice-President of Rose Park Neighborhood Association and Liaison for Rose Park Historic District has lived in Rose Park for 36 years, 32 of them in a 100 year old house(this year). “I’ve seen this neighborhood change from a somewhat marginal area to one in which neighbors have come together in a friendly familial way, with pride in living in such a wonderful inclusive environment.”

Contact info is included for Christopher Koontz’s office. Also reach out to Rose Park Neighborhood Assn. to clarify steps to take at

The Photos! Thanks to Darick.

Tyler from Do Good Donuts shares her love of 4th Street, Val Parker emotes on leaving P4Y, Meg Harrison presents Principal Davis this year’s BIG heART Event piece. Followed by Historic Preservation Panelists: Karen Highberger, Christopher Koontz, and Dennis Herbert, some crowd shots plus John Salkowski asking “pop survey questions” and finally just a fantastic photo of our very own Dennis Herbert who has lived in RP 36 years! And continues to add to our life.