Category Archives: Newsletter

Safer by the sea

Rose Park created a space and time to connect on environmental and climate issues with its annual Spring Time by the Sea. This year this effort was stymied a bit by the stay-at-home restrictions. Our working group rallied to turn this obstacle around and in short order re-thought and re-vamped to Safer by the Sea! You’ve seen the fish!

And maybe you’ve heard the story of Swimmy, the inspiration. If not, then next week watch for a series of joint environmental and climate media posts with our essential partners, a re-read of Swimmy in English and Spanish – well worth it for all ages, and then a virtual exhibit of the art. NOT TO BE MISSED.

Summer in the city

Illegal fireworks are continuing – in some areas – especially near the ocean seem most affected. For those who are losing sleep – it is becoming a health issue. We want this to end. That said, our part is circumstantial but can help.

  1. Remind people with a window sign – we have a (limited) number to hand out during the LB Farm Box this Sunday in Revive Church parking lot E7th & Coronado. Stop by between 3pm-4pm July 5th.
  2. Send information about site of fireworks to the City Prosecutor’s office here is the link

And on another note some of our parkway trees have grown so much that they are covering street lights and growing on to overhead wires and on to roofs. These conditions are not safe. Please submit a request to have a tree trimmed. Here is the link.

Many Rose Parkians have taken the modification in the restrictions to heart and are wearing masks and maintaining distance. The irony of this situation is that for those who feel ‘hale and hearty’ are increasingly the individuals most likely to transmit the virus. So please remind others that our safety behaviors are protecting others!