Category Archives: Newsletter

Trees for Rose Park South Tribute Local Leader – March 18th!

From the desk of

Margaret Madden
Neighborhood Improvement Officer

New trees are coming to the Rose Park South neighborhood in 2017!  I am writing to invite you and your groups to volunteer to help plant them!

I am honored to share that the community is hosting this tree planting in memory of Douglas and Scottie Hinkey. Douglas and Scottie Hinkey were Rose Park neighborhood residents for many years with deep roots in Long Beach.  Continue reading Trees for Rose Park South Tribute Local Leader – March 18th!

Pub Conversation Informs Neighborhood

RPNA’s Winter Meeting was just as informative and engaging as  past years. Tracy Ames’ warm hospitality and donation of % of night’s take to RPNA set the tone. The meeting started with food and beverage in hand while Emily Stevens was recognized for her 10 year exemplary effort on behalf of Rose Park. Councilmember Jeannine Pearce was on hand to present  Emily a  Recognition Award and the RPNA presented her with an arborgraph of her historic home.


Dave Clement, RPNA Board member welcomed Tony Cruz,, the City’s Bike Ambassador, who covered the recently implemented Bike Share program and left giving one-month passes to those that attended.


Don’t Waste LB  shared plans to reduce waste but build an economic infrastructure for sustainability. And Julia Gould of the 2nd District Council Office rounded out the evening with recent RP updates.

All in all, great night well attended with many names and emails exchanged.