Eyes on the street, sidewalk, trees, traffic circles

Several interested people came to walk Rose Park South Saturday May 19th. Starting at Do Good Donuts and weaving from 4th to 6th via Orizaba over to Redondo, up to E7th and back to Orizaba. History, pedestrian challenges and benefits  were shared. Overall a “very walkable neighborhood” was commented by many. Concerned that there may not be people along 6th Street to meet…..I had a few folks at 6th and Obispo to greet the walkers. Totally unnecessary.  As always, 6th Street is a major pedestrian artery through Rose Park South. Here you see Bonnie Strutin point out the pros/cons of the the newly installed traffic circles with cars, skateboarders, cyclists and pedestrians navigating the intersection as she spoke. Check out Jane’s Walk at their international website. And thanks to Steve Gerhardt from WalkLB our local support group for pedestrian issues. Check out their upcoming pedestrian activities. Our hope is more of these neighborhood incursions occur in the future!

Let’s Walk the Jane’s Walk

A Jane’s Walk – named after the urban planning visionary, Jane Jacobs – will start at Do Good Donuts at 4th (between Ohio and Temple) Saturday May 19th at 10am. Gretchen Swanson and John Salkowski from RPNA will be on hand, as well. There are lots of folks interested per WalkLB’s facebook page, which is the group facilitating this shared walking opportunity. Why? Well to observe and learn. Jane’s Walks are occurring around LB, some stroll others book it! We’ll just have to see what happens in Rose Park South! Come on out!
