July 10 RPNA meeting in Rose Park 8th & Orizaba

RPNA meeting in Rose Park 8th & Orizaba at 5:30 today about Community Watchfulness and crime prevention. Meet John Kanaley LBPD lieutenant east division and Commander Michael Beckman of the East Division PD in Rose Park.

Commander Beckman will speak to our community on recent crime statistics, patrol frequency and safety measures.

We all have important questions about our neighborhood and the burglaries in Rose Park. The LBPD is responding to our request for a special meeting and this can be a good time to meet Commander Beckman and have your issues addressed.

Please attend this meeting, it will begin promptly at 5:30 and is expected to to last one hour.

Work has started on re-paving 7th Street

Work has started on re-paving 7th St. The cones and no parking signs up. You’ll that they’ve covered the street cleaning signs on the sides streets. Oops, this means people who park on 7th will be parking during the day and night on our side streets. And, you thought you couldn’t find a parking place before! Will keep you posted aaaand remember it’s just for a couple of months. We deserve a nicely paved street.