Nonprofit Spotlight: Gray Panthers

Founded in 1974, the Long Beach Gray Panthers are celebrating their 45th year! Long Beach Gray Panthers focus on senior issues through education and advocacy, and invite supporters of all ages to participate in meetings and activities.

They will host the 2019 Senior Fest at the Long Beach Senior Center at 1150 East 4th Street from 10am to 2pm on Saturday, May 4. The event theme is “Seniors are Superheroes: Old and Bold,” sponsored by the Port of Long Beach and the Law Offices of Sandra Diaz. The event will feature local resources for seniors and their allies and caregivers of all ages. Attendees are encouraged to come in costume reflecting their superhero.

Myron Wollin, President of the Long Beach Gray Panthers states: “There are many changes coming to our community that will impact older adults. Climate change, changes in voting processes, new discoveries in extending the quality of senior lives, and being counted in the upcoming Census, and these are just a few of the topics that are meaningful to everyone, not only seniors. We want everyone to prepare for the future, as lives will depend upon it.”

The Senior Fest will celebrate the talents of local older adults, provide chances to win door prizes, offer free lunch, and opportunities to learn about the new voting system coming in 2020.

General Meetings of the Long Beach Gray Panthers are the first Saturday of the month at 10:30am at the 4th Street Senior Center at 1150 East 4th Street, Room 202. Meetings feature a speaker, lively discussion and information on issues impacting older adults in the community. The next meeting is June 1.

For additional information, call 562-336-7340 or email