Category Archives: News

Protests and action

There are many opportunities to participate in social change. But much harder – in fact, impossible – if you aren’t connected to the internet or can’t afford monthly broadband costs! Not everyone knows what is going on, yet so many are eager to know more and participate.

What does that mean? Share. Share what you know to be accurate. Listen. Listen to many voices and attend to those that are fact-based and informed.

If you are interested in working with a group dedicated to sharing and listening and you live in Rose Park [Cherry to Redondo: 4th to 10th] – please submit your name in nomination to Rose Park Neighborhood Association. Tiny hoop – opportunity for large commitment! Questions? Considerations? Send your information to info@RPNA.ORG. Today! Our annual election for the RPNA board is July – we are working out how that will work.


The Long Beach Police Department East Division Commander Pat O’Dowd is receiving a great deal of information from the community about the fireworks. He wants residents to know that the city is LISTENING and provided a few important updates:

DON’T call 911 for fireworks. They are getting inundated by ‘non-emergency’ fireworks calls.

DO call the non-emergency number at 562-435-6711. Dispatchers are briefed on the situation and prepared. Try and give concrete information such as location, description, a name, an address, license plate, direction they headed, etc.

Send ANY AND ALL pictures, videos, addresses, names, dates, locations, license plates, sales ads, etc. to This information will be relayed to the LBPD detail dealing with fireworks.

If you see an ad on Craigslist or social media channels selling fireworks, email it to them! They are pursuing these illegal sellers and have made some busts. Try and send a screenshot AND a link if possible.

Please send the info in and spread the word! Pets and Vets will love you!