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Pictured: Rose Park Resident & Artist Cody Lusby and daughter Penny painting roses in Rose Park Neighborhood

From the creation of a large scale alleyway mural project in Rose Park Neighborhood, to helping improve and beautify a vacant parking lot, Cody Lusby’s vision for neighborhood change has flourished into a new direction.

It started in reaction to the isolation of COVID, when Cody decided to offer a door to door rose painting service to neighbors. Cody reflects on the process stating:  “My daughter and I bring our wagon full of supplies and I paint the rose or the resident paints the rose, and I coach them through the process.  The main purpose is to meet neighbors and get to know them.  By the end of our time together we made connections and added a little more beauty to our neighborhood – Changing the world one rose at a time.” 

If you are interested in having a rose painted in front of your house, email Cody Lusby for more information at   

Cody is a contemporary visual artist who aspires to change the world through local community action and developing large scale projects that enable viewers to feel more empowered.

You can also follow the progress of his work on Instagram and Facebook @RosesforRosePark.

Rose Park Resident Chris Robson

Rose Park Residents Richard Connelly and Gretchen Swanson